Tomatoes are one of the most widely cultivated and consumed vegetables in the world. They are versatile, nutritious, and add flavor and color to a variety of dishes.
Growing tomatoes from seed to harvest can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience, but it can also be a challenging one, especially for those new to gardening.
Today, tomatoes are one of the most important and widely grown crops, with over 150 million tons produced annually worldwide (University of Illinois Extension).
To grow tomatoes, it’s important to keep in mind that their harvesting time varies from 60 to more than 100 days, depending on the type of tomato you choose to cultivate.
Since they can have a longer growing season and require a late planting date, it’s recommended that gardeners opt for small “starter plants” or transplants if the seeds have not been started by the time it warms up in the spring.
Whether you want to grow tomatoes in a backyard garden or in containers on your balcony, this guide will provide you with all the information you need to ensure that your plants thrive and produce a bountiful harvest.
Selecting the Right Tomato Seeds
The first step in growing tomatoes is to select the right seeds. There are many different varieties of tomatoes, each with its own unique flavor, size, and growing requirements.

Some varieties are better suited to certain climates and growing conditions, while others are more disease-resistant. Consider the size of your garden, the growing conditions, and the type of tomato you want to grow before selecting your seeds.
It has been determined that varieties, like the Roma or the Celebrity, are great for small spaces, such as containers or small garden beds. Indeterminate varieties, like the Big Beef or Early Girl, can grow up to six feet tall and are ideal for larger spaces.
Soil-borne diseases like verticillium wilt, blight and fusarium wilt are common diseases and problems for tomatoes. Adding organic matter, such as compost, can help suppress the occurrence of these diseases (University of Minnesota Extension).
When choosing the right seeds, it is important to understand the different characteristics of each variety and how they will impact your growing experience.
By considering the following factors, you can select the best seeds for your garden and ensure a successful harvest.
1. Climate
The climate in your area plays a significant role in determining the best seeds for your garden.
Some tomato varieties are heat-tolerant and thrive in warm climates, while others are better suited to cooler climates and have a shorter growing season.
2. Size of your garden
The size of your garden is another important factor to consider when selecting seeds.
If you have limited space, compact varieties like cherry tomatoes or compact determinate tomatoes are a good choice, as they can be grown in smaller containers or garden spaces.
3. Growing Conditions
The growing conditions in your area can also impact the success of your tomato plants.
Consider factors such as sunlight, soil quality, and water availability when selecting seeds. Some tomato varieties are more adaptable to different growing conditions, while others have specific requirements that need to be met in order to thrive.
4. Disease Resistance
Certain diseases, such as late blight, verticillium wilt, and fusarium wilt, can be devastating to tomato plants.
By choosing disease-resistant varieties, you can help protect your plants from these common afflictions and enjoy a healthier and more productive harvest.
5. Flavor and use
Finally, consider the flavor and use of the tomatoes you want to grow. Different varieties of tomatoes have different flavors, textures, and colors, and some are better suited for certain dishes than others.
Choose the varieties that appeal to your taste preferences and match the type of cuisine you want to make with your homegrown tomatoes
Selecting the right seeds is the foundation of a successful tomato-growing experience. By considering the climate, size of your garden, growing conditions, disease resistance, and flavor and use, you can choose the best seeds for your needs and achieve a bountiful and delicious harvest.
Starting the Seeds Indoors
Tomatoes can be started from seed indoors in a warm, bright location. Use seed-starting mix and fill individual pots with the mix. Place two or three seeds into each pot, cover with a thin layer of soil, and water gently.
Keep the soil moist but not too wet, and provide sufficient light.
Once the seedlings have emerged and grown a few inches, it is time to transplant them to individual pots.
There are a couple of ways to start growing your tomato plants, including starting your own seeds indoors or purchasing plants from a garden center or through mail-order (University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences).
To start tomato seeds indoors, you will need the following materials:
- Tomato seeds
- Seed-starting mix
- Containers or seed trays with drainage holes
- Plastic wrap or a clear plastic dome
- Grow lights or a window with abundant sunlight
- Water
Starting the seeds indoors is a great way to give your tomato plants a head start before planting them in the garden. By providing the right conditions, you can ensure that your seedlings are strong and healthy when they are ready to be transplanted outside.
Here are the steps to follow when starting your tomato seeds indoors:
1. Choose the Right Containers
Fill individual pots with propagating seed mix, such as a blend of peat moss, vermiculite, and perlite. The pots should be at least 2-3 inches deep and have adequate drainage holes to prevent waterlogging.
2. Sow the Seeds
Place two or three seeds in each pot, cover them with a thin layer of soil, and water gently. You can also sprinkle a light layer of vermiculite or perlite over the top of the seeds to keep them from drying out.
3. Provide Sufficient Light
Tomato seedlings need a lot of light to grow strong and healthy, so place the pots near a bright window with abundant sunlight or under a grow light.
If using a grow light, keep the light about 2-4 inches above the seedlings and turn it on for about 14-16 hours each day (Farm to Jar).
4. Keep the Soil Moist
Tomato seeds need a consistent supply of moisture to germinate, so keep the soil moist but not too wet. You might want to use a spray bottle in order to keep the soil moist. At least until the seeds start sprouting.

If the soil dries out, the seeds may not germinate, so monitor the moisture levels closely and water gently as needed.
5. Provide Warmth
Tomato seeds need warm temperatures to germinate, so place the pots in a warm room or on a heating mat. The ideal temperature for germination is around 70-75°F (Farm to Jar)
6. Transplanting
Once the seedlings have emerged and grown a few inches, it is time to transplant them to individual pots.

Fill the pots with a high-quality potting mix and carefully transplant each seedling, avoiding any damage to the roots.
Water the seedlings thoroughly after transplanting and provide bright light and consistent moisture to encourage strong growth.
Tips for Transplanting Seedlings Outdoors
After the seedlings have grown several inches, it is time to transplant them into your garden. Select a sunny location that receives at least six hours of direct sunlight per day.
The ground soil ought to be well-drained and rich in organic matter, to ensure proper growth and development. To transplant the seedlings, make a hole in the soil with a trowel or your hands, avoiding any damage to the roots.

Place the seedling into the hole, making sure the upper part of the plant’s root system is level with the surface of the soil. Fill the hole with soil, gently pack it down to remove any air pockets.
Water thoroughly, making sure the soil is consistently moist. Compact mulch lightly around the plant’s stem to help retain moisture and control weeds. Continue to monitor the plants for pests and diseases, and provide support as needed.
Plant Care for Growing Tomatoes
Once the seedlings have been transplanted, it is time to move on to the next phase of growing tomatoes – proper care and maintenance. Adequate water and fertilizer, pruning, monitoring for pests and diseases, and proper training are all essential for a successful harvest.
Tomatoes need support as they grow, to prevent the stem from breaking under the weight of the fruit.
Stakes, cages, or trellises can be used to provide support. Make sure to place the support close to the plant when transplanting, and be careful not to damage the roots. Here is a step by step guide on how to care for your tomato plants.
1. Watering
Tomatoes require consistent moisture, especially during the fruiting stage. To ensure your plants get the water they need, it’s important to establish a watering routine.

A general rule of thumb is to water your plants deeply once or twice a week, but make sure to adjust your watering schedule based on the weather and soil conditions.
Avoid over-watering, as it can lead to root rot, and under-watering, as it can cause the fruit to split. Always water at the base of the plant, not the leaves. This will prevent spreading infections and diseases.
2. Fertilizing
Tomatoes are heavy feeders and require a balanced, slow-release fertilizer. Apply fertilizer when planting, and then every 4-6 weeks throughout the growing season.
You can also side-dress with compost or organic matter to provide your plants with additional nutrients.
3. Pruning
Pruning is an important part of tomato plant care. Pruning helps to promote healthy growth and fruiting.
Start by removing any diseased or yellow leaves, then prune the suckers that develop in the crotches of the main stem and branches. This will help to direct the plant’s energy into producing fruit, instead of foliage.
Use shears to prune your tomato plants. Make sure you disinfect them before pruning.

4. Monitoring for Pest and Diseases
Tomatoes are susceptible to a variety of pests and diseases, including aphids, tomato hornworms, and late blight. Regularly inspecting your plants and taking steps to prevent infestations is crucial to ensuring a healthy harvest.
Remove any affected leaves and use organic methods, such as companion planting, to prevent pests and diseases from taking hold.
5. Training
Training involves tying the tomato plant to a support and guiding it as it grows. This helps to keep the plant upright and prevents it from becoming too heavy and breaking. You can train your tomato plant by tying it to a stake or cage, or using the Florida weave method.
For optimal growth, tomatoes require a minimum of 4 to 6 hours of sunlight per day and slightly acidic soil with a pH range of 6.2 to 6.5.
To achieve this, you can amend your soil with organic compost, which will provide additional nutrients and improve soil structure. It is also beneficial to mulch around your plants to help retain moisture in the soil.
When planting, it is important to place the tomato seedlings deep into the soil and remove any flowers or fruit that have already formed.
This will encourage the plant to establish a strong root system before diverting its energy towards producing fruit.
In addition, you can promote deeper rooting by removing the lower leaves and burying the stems up to the plant’s second true set of leaves.
Harvesting Delicious Tomatoes in Your Own Garden
The final step in growing tomatoes is harvesting the ripe fruit. To determine when your tomatoes are ready to be harvested, gently squeeze the fruit and check for firmness.
The fruit should have a slightly soft texture and be a deep, rich red color. When harvesting, it’s important to handle the fruit gently to prevent bruising. Cut the fruit from the vine, leaving the stem attached.

Harvesting tomatoes is a rewarding experience for any gardener. To ensure that you get the best flavor and texture from your tomatoes, it is important to wait until they are fully ripe and have reached their mature color.
This typically occurs when the skin is firm, the color is deep and uniform, and the fruit gives slightly when gently pressed.
Store your harvested tomatoes at room temperature, and use them within a few days for the best results.
Avoid storing tomatoes in the refrigerator, as this can affect their flavor and texture. Instead, use them in your favorite recipes or enjoy them fresh as a snack.
By following the steps outlined in this guide, from seed to harvest, you can successfully grow your own tomatoes, and enjoy the fresh, flavorful taste of homegrown tomatoes in your dishes.
Bottom line
In conclusion, growing tomatoes is a rewarding and satisfying experience that can be easily achieved. From selecting the right seeds, preparing the soil, planting and caring for the seedlings, to harvesting the ripe fruit, these steps will ensure a successful tomato growing season.
With a little patience and attention, you’ll be able to enjoy fresh, juicy, and delicious tomatoes right from your own backyard. So don’t hesitate, grab your gardening tools, and start growing today!